Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fiji Fishing, Bad Weather and GT's

No matter the weather, or the conditions of the sea. When someone catches a hell of a big fish nothing else maters and the day is good.

From XstreemFishingCom
Rosie has been trying to catch a big one for quite some time. Patience and perseverance finally paid off.
This catch is a testament to good angling skills. It was hooked with only one leg of a treble and only in the lip. When it was brought on board the lure just fell out. She kept constant pressure on the fish never slacking once. The rod stayed bent the entire time and she received her just reward a really nice GT. That was how the day started.
We had a late start,after 10AM. The weather was breaking and it was decided last minute to go fishing. The action was relatively fast, we probably landed 6 fish with a lot more strikes in about 2 hours. The water was clear as glass and you could see the strike as they happened.
From XstreemFishingCom
We caught about four Bluefin Trevally as well as Queen fish and Bass.
From XstreemFishingCom
This all happened before 1PM. Not a bad morning if you ask me.
We went out the next morning to have another go.
We landed a couple Bass
From XstreemFishingCom
As you can see the weather is crappy and only proceeded to get worse.
From XstreemFishingCom
This image is just to give you an idea of the weather. We were sheltering behind an Island so the sea looks calm.
From XstreemFishingCom
This is Paul sitting on the bottom below the boat maybe 15ft down. Just mucking around.
Tight lines

1 comment:

Ben said...

Congrats on the monster GT! Are they that tired that you can hold them like that for the picture?

As always, great blog post!